“Scroll down to the end of the article to listen to music.”

You know that feeling when you’re sitting alone and memories just start flooding back—some sweet, some a little bittersweet? That’s exactly what Price of Regret captures. The first time I listened to it, I felt like the song was reading pages out of my own diary. It’s not just about past mistakes; it’s about the weight those memories carry and how they shape who we become.

The artist really poured their soul into this one. From the haunting melody that lingers long after the song ends to the lyrics that hit just a bit too close to home, it’s impossible not to get drawn in. There’s this line—”Counting the cost of moments lost”—that just gets me every time. It reminds me of those crossroads in life where one choice changes everything, and you’re left wondering about the road not taken.

What’s fascinating is how Price of Regret doesn’t wallow in sadness. Instead, it feels like a gentle nudge to embrace our past, learn from it, and maybe even find a little peace along the way. I heard that the song was written after the artist reconnected with an old friend, which makes it even more personal. It’s like they’re sharing a piece of their own journey with us, inviting us to reflect on ours.

If you haven’t listened to it yet, I’d definitely recommend giving it a spin—preferably with a cup of tea and some quiet time to really let it sink in. It’s one of those songs that feels like a conversation with a close friend, the kind that leaves you feeling both reflective and strangely comforted



[Verse 1]
Everyone knows the price of regret
Things in life we never forget
Haunted by what we’ve done wrong
Yearning for the pain to be gone
Some hide in a bottle and some die in vain
Some wave a Bible and some just go insane
Lay down your judgement or lay down your shame
We’re all God’s children and we all breathe the same

You’re black and I’m white
You’re blinded by sight
Close your eyes and tell me the color of my skin
If we let today
Just pass away
Without kindness and forgiveness, there’s no light

[Verse 2]
Everyone’s broken, oh, everyone’s scarred
All the things we needed wind up in the yard
Brothers and sisters, I mean you no harm
Healing’s waiting in each other’s arms

[Instrumental Bridge]

[Verse 1]
Everyone knows the price of regret
Things in life we never forget
Haunted by what we’ve done wrong
Yearning for the pain to be gone
Some hide in a bottle and some die in vain
Some wave a Bible and some just go insane
Lay down your judgement or lay down your shame
We’re all God’s children and we all breathe the same

You’re black and I’m white
You’re blinded by sight
Close your eyes and tell me the color of my skin
If we let today
Just pass away
Without kindness and forgiveness, there’s no light

[Verse 2]
Everyone’s broken, oh, everyone’s scarred
All the things we needed wind up in the yard
Brothers and sisters, I mean you no harm
Healing’s waiting in each other’s arms

[Instrumental Bridge]