“Scroll down to the end of the article to listen to music.”

“Jenny Dreamed Of Trains” is one of those songs that wraps around your heart like a warm blanket on a cold day. It’s not just a song; it’s a journey through the tender dreams of a little girl who found solace and wonder in the sound of distant trains. This piece, penned by the ever-talented Vince Gill and Guy Clark, is more than just melody and lyrics—it’s a gentle tug at the heartstrings, a reflection on innocence, and the simple joys that make childhood magical.

When you listen to “Jenny Dreamed Of Trains,” you can’t help but be transported to a simpler time, perhaps to your own childhood or a place where the world seemed full of possibilities. The imagery in the song is vivid, almost cinematic. You can almost see young Jenny, eyes wide with wonder, as she dreams of those great iron horses steaming across the landscape. The song speaks to the universal longing for adventure and the enchantment of dreams, no matter how simple they may seem.

What makes this song truly special is the way it connects with listeners on an emotional level. It’s not just about trains; it’s about the dreams we all carry, the things that light up our imagination and give us hope. For Jenny, it was the sound of trains—something that might seem ordinary to others but was extraordinary to her. That’s the beauty of this song—it reminds us that everyone has their own “trains,” those little things that inspire and captivate them.

Vince Gill’s tender vocals add a layer of sincerity and warmth to the song, making it feel like a personal lullaby. It’s as if he’s singing directly to you, sharing Jenny’s dreams with a quiet reverence that makes you want to listen closely, perhaps even dream a little yourself



When Jenny was a little girl, she only dreamed of trains
She never played with dolls or lacy kinds of things
Jenny counted boxcars instead of counting sheep
She could go anywhere when she went to sleep
All she ever talked about was getting on to ride
She was living in another time, you could see it in her eyes
And every day after school she’d head down to the tracks
Waiting for the train that was never coming back
Jenny dreamed of trains
When the night-time came
Nobody knew how she made it come true
Jenny dreamed of trains
The depot’s been boarded up, the rails have turned to rust
There hasn’t been a train through here since the mill went bust
No one believed her when she said she heard the train
Said she was just a little girl acting kind of strange
Jenny dreamed of trains
When the night-time came
Nobody knew how she made it come true
Jenny dreamed of trains
So Jenny laid a penny on the track one day
In God we trust, she walked away
The very next morning all she could find
Was a little piece of copper squashed flatter than a dime
Jenny dreamed of trains
When the night-time came
Nobody knew how she made it come true
Jenny dreamed of trains
Nobody knew how she made it come true
Jenny dreamed of trains