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Picture a young Hank Williams driving down the dusty backroads of Alabama, humming tunes and jotting down lyrics that would soon resonate across the heart of America. It was 1947, and the world was just beginning to hear the golden twangs of what would become country music staples. Among these was “Move It On Over,” a song that not only marked Williams’ first major hit but also heralded the birth of a new era in country music.

About The Composition

  • Title: Move It On Over
  • Composer: Hank Williams
  • Premiere Date: 1947
  • Album/Opus/Collection: Released as a single; later featured on many Hank Williams compilations
  • Genre: Country


“Move It On Over” was written and performed by Hank Williams, who at the time was a rising star in the country music scene. The song, recorded on April 21, 1947, in Nashville, Tennessee, is often considered one of the earliest influences on what would later be known as rock and roll. Its upbeat tempo and Williams’ distinctive voice made it an immediate hit. The song’s lyrics, which tell a humorous story of a man who has been kicked out of his house by his wife, reflected the everyday struggles and emotions of Williams’ audience, making it incredibly relatable and popular.

Musical Style

The musical elements of “Move It On Over” are quintessential Hank Williams: a simple yet catchy melody, a rhythm that makes you tap your feet, and a straightforward country instrumentation of guitar, fiddle, and steel guitar. This song is structured around a twelve-bar blues format, a common choice that contributed to its crossover appeal to the fans of the emerging rock and roll genre.


The lyrics of “Move It On Over” are both playful and poignant, depicting a man who is relegated to the doghouse — quite literally. Williams uses clever rhymes and everyday language to craft a narrative that is humorous yet empathetic, highlighting his ability to connect with his audience on a personal level.

Performance History

Since its release, “Move It On Over” has been covered by numerous artists, including George Thorogood, who brought a blues rock feel to it in 1978. Williams’ original recording, however, remains a classic, revered for its purity and emotional honesty. It is frequently featured in country music collections and is a staple of any Hank Williams discography.

Cultural Impact

“Move It On Over” played a significant role in the development of rock and roll. Its influence is evident in the rhythmic and stylistic similarities found in early rock recordings. The song also holds a place in popular culture, used in films and TV shows to evoke the late 1940s and early 1950s Americana.


The legacy of “Move It On Over” is vast. It showcases Hank Williams’ genius in songwriting and his influence on multiple music genres. The song continues to be a touchstone for understanding the roots of both country and rock music, demonstrating how traditional sounds can transcend their origins to influence a wide array of artists and genres.


“Move It On Over” is more than just a song; it’s a piece of musical history that offers insight into the evolution of modern music. Its catchy tune, relatable lyrics, and historical significance make it a fascinating subject for any music enthusiast. For those looking to explore Hank Williams’ impact on music, this song is an essential listen, a doorway to the past that continues to resonate with audiences today.



Came in last night at half past ten
That baby of mine wouldn’t let me in
So move it on over (move it on over)
Move it on over (move it on over)
Move over little dog cause the big dog’s moving in
She changed the lock on my front door
My door key don’t work no more
So get it on over (move it on over)
Scoot it on over (move it on over)
Move over skinny dog cause the fat dog’s moving in
The dog house here is mighty small
But it’s better than no house at all
So ease it on over (move it on over)
Drag it on over (move it on over)
Move over old dog cause a new dog’s moving in
She told me not to play around
But I done let the deal go down
So pack it on over (move it on over)
Tote it on over (move it on over)
Move over nice dog cause a mad dog’s moving in
She warned me once, she warned me twice
But I don’t take no one’s advice
So scratch it on over (move it on over)
Shake it on over (move it on over)
Move over short dog cause tall dog’s moving in
She’ll crawl back to me on her knees
I’ll be busy scratching fleas
So slide it on over (move it on over)
Sneak it on over (move it on over)
Move over good dog cause a mad dog’s moving in
Remember pup, before you whine
That side’s yours and this side’s mine
So shove it on over (move it on over)
Sweep it on over (move it on over)
Move over cold dog cause a hot dog’s moving in